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10.06 (Tue) Diary In the morning, there was a lot of changes in my tempers. I just wanted to finish my project but, the another part of me do not want to do anything. I woke up at 8am, and I felt lazy and a bit of depressed so I started to play maplestory for refreshing my feelings. but it did not work well, after I ate my breakfast I went to my bed and slept again. after 1 hours of sleeping, I woke up and got en.. 2020. 10. 7.
09.29 (Mon) Diary Today was a bit of tough and sad day to me. One of the bad things was that my mom was really sick in the morning. So, me and my brother, even dad were so worrying about her health. She said she felt a serious disease and had a digestion problem and when I touched her foots, it was a kind of cold. It was not that cold I mean but it was a little bit colder than usual. So, I just massaged her foots.. 2020. 9. 30.
09.28(Mon) Diary This is gonna be really short, becuase I want to go to bed right now it's 2:37 am so so late. The bad thing I regreted was that I woke up late at this morning and the best thing of today was I just finished the tutorial of Javascript in w3schools. but I still have a long way to go, so I'm gonna go hard until I finish my personal project for making a website, which will be a special gift for Dabi.. 2020. 9. 29.
09.27 (Sun) Diary Today is like I started as playing a game and I finished the end of day as playing a game. Yeah it was sunday I know you wanted to play and reduce stress but ... The problem was I spent so much time on playing League of Legends like huge amount of time of 9 hours at just one day.. That was a total mistake. And I hope next sunday I'm not gonna play that game but just focus on finishing my project.. 2020. 9. 28.
09.26 (Sat) Diary becaus I slept at 03:00 last night, I woke up at 10:30am at bit of late time(늦게 일어났다) I was preparing to go to my office. I ate a cup of hot water, did blog posting a little bit, and ate breakfast. After those, I left my house at 12:30 pm. ah, I did houseshores such as laundries. and I arrived at my office in 13:00 pm and I started to study. Actually there was not many time to study English and .. 2020. 9. 27.