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12.10 (Thu) my right knee ouch.. 12.10 (Thu) my right knee ouch.. 60 people visited my blog today. Thank you for visiting my blog. Umm .. today a lot of things happened to me. I don't know what I'm gonna say first.. Yes, definitely this. In the morning, I made my mom mad at me. She wanted me to find something over the phone call and I don't have such a great eyes so I couldn't find the thing she wanted in my house so that so wa.. 2020. 12. 11.
10.25 (Sun) Diary It was a totally good day. and you know sunday is the last day of the week. and I finished my last day on this week pretty well. So, what's up for next week? What I am really worrying about is now I have not enough money. I mean really not enough for even eating some foods outside. The reason why I'm poor now is like I was so lazy for earning money. I should have worked as a part timer before bu.. 2020. 10. 26.
10.22 (Thu) Diary Good, good, good I'm very statisfied with how I lived today. I woke up at 10am in the morning, and I felt a really serious laziness, I don't wanna leave my room and bed, but I don't know why but I suddenly decided to start my day and had a breakfast for waking me up. And I washed my body and left my house for going to my office. Because the numbers of people who gets corona viruses are getting l.. 2020. 10. 23.
10.21 (Wed) I know it's very short but .. I'm so tired at the same time. I want to write something more about my day but you know at the end of the day, you feel so tired so all I want now is just to go to bed.. But let's take a look at one mistake I made today in my office. Make one of the managers of that office surprised by showing my appearance without any noticing. After that, I really really felt a terrible emotion I don't know wh.. 2020. 10. 22.
10.16 (Fri) Awesome. Okay, totally it was a really good day to me but I just want to make this diary short cuz I'm going to wake up early next morning and go to get the education in the youth center, and I really wanna play Undertale right now so that's why I wanna make it short okay. The worst thing is I haven't finish the chapter 4 of java still. The best thing was l participated an English class and it was pretty.. 2020. 10. 17.
10.15 (Thu) Diary Totally it was a good day except that I felt lakc of the time to study Java. I got up early at 7am. And I left my bed and sat on my chair, turn on my laptor but I got so tired and went to bed again and slept one and a half more hour. After I woke up again, I prepared to go job conunseling. but at 10:30 am, 30 minutes before my appointment with counselor, I had the another appointment with Englis.. 2020. 10. 15.
10.06 (Tue) Diary In the morning, there was a lot of changes in my tempers. I just wanted to finish my project but, the another part of me do not want to do anything. I woke up at 8am, and I felt lazy and a bit of depressed so I started to play maplestory for refreshing my feelings. but it did not work well, after I ate my breakfast I went to my bed and slept again. after 1 hours of sleeping, I woke up and got en.. 2020. 10. 7.
09.27 (Sun) Diary Today is like I started as playing a game and I finished the end of day as playing a game. Yeah it was sunday I know you wanted to play and reduce stress but ... The problem was I spent so much time on playing League of Legends like huge amount of time of 9 hours at just one day.. That was a total mistake. And I hope next sunday I'm not gonna play that game but just focus on finishing my project.. 2020. 9. 28.
25th, Sep (Fri) / A Little Bit Sick Today was a bit of good day. The weather was perfect but I'm not feeling well because my body condition was not that good. The difference of temperature between morning and night gets very high these days, so we have to be careful not to catch a cold. but yesterday I just went around many places with my two friends and I felt a little cold outside. Maybe because of that, my condition is getting .. 2020. 9. 26.