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08.31 (Mon) late start, but admit early

by 데이터박물관 2020. 8. 31.

I slept at 2:30 am today. actually I could sleep at 1 am but 

I got crazy with explosive greeds and watched a lot of bad videos alone in the dark room.

so that made strating point of my today late. I got up at 10:40am. 

I ate brunch at 12am with Squeed(오징어) which my parents cooked

and I prepared to go to my office

I finished being ready to go out and left my house 

and rode a public bicycle and arrived at my office at 1:30pm

like yesterday I focused on searching coding school where I get trainging for free being supported by korean goverment.

Two of institutions called me and they wanted me to visit their institutions

There are two main things I contemplate about is the insturctor's skill and the other is the distance between my home and an institution.

I have to compare those institutions carefully becaues this is the problem of my future

yes that was my today. 

