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12.10 (Thu) my right knee ouch.. 12.10 (Thu) my right knee ouch.. 60 people visited my blog today. Thank you for visiting my blog. Umm .. today a lot of things happened to me. I don't know what I'm gonna say first.. Yes, definitely this. In the morning, I made my mom mad at me. She wanted me to find something over the phone call and I don't have such a great eyes so I couldn't find the thing she wanted in my house so that so wa.. 2020. 12. 11.
12.09 (Wed) Diary, unknown headache during the day. Yeah as usual today was a good day too. Almost everyday is good to me. I have lots of things around me. My loving family, delicious foods, cozy home... I have to try my best not to forget the things I have. Anyway, since two or three days ago, I don't know the reason but I feel a little bit of headache during the day time. One of the reasons I doubt is the quality of my sleeping. I mean, I have .. 2020. 12. 10.
12.08 (Tue) Diary Today was a good day too of course. First of all, I ate many delicious foods such as roast chickens, sweet potatoes, seaweed soup etc.. I got tough because of cleaning the air fryer after dinner, but I enjoyed the meal enough so that's okay. Actually I stayed at home all day long today. I didn't have time to go to my office room because I woke up late in this morning at 8:30 am .. and I think yo.. 2020. 12. 9.
12.07 (Mon) Diary It's very thankful to get feeling well. Actually I was not feeling well when I was in the office. I don't know the exact reason but I think lack of sleep might made me hard. so, today was not a bad day. I did not play lol, I ate very expensive riec soup, and I laughed a lot talking to my friends. pretty good except but a little bit of sickness. but you know I have two projects to finish. One is .. 2020. 12. 8.
12.07 (Sun) Diary This weekend to me can be summed up as "full time to play, no time to study". I spent so so much time on playing lol from Friday noon. That was a terrible mistake. I forgot the danger of playing that game, there were several times before that game destroyed my life. I regreted very much. I didn't play that game today but it was too late. please don't do that. please.. 2020. 12. 7.
12.03 Diary yes, as usual it was a busy day. I woke up at 8:40 am in the morning, and after I ate my breakfast I sit on my desk to listen to the lectures I have to take as the mendatory training course I'm getting. and I didn't go to my office because I thought I wanted to save my time and I listend to the internet lecture until 6:30pm at home. and I had to go to the training institution for taking the book.. 2020. 12. 4.
12.01 (Damn it ..) Tue diary All I want is just a little bit of time, maybe 1 or 2 hours to fix my project but there's such a lot of things to review learning java in a boot camp. but you know, the last thing I will do is to give up. That's not the thing I'm gonna do. Just remember: Keep going. 2020. 12. 2.
11.30 (Mon) The last day of November. I'm so much tired.. It doesn't matter that today is the last day of this November. It did matter 2 hours ago but not now. All I wanna do right now is just going to bed and getting sleep. oh my. Today I studied java all day long as usual and that's all. and don't be selfish. Everyone is not perfect. 2020. 12. 1.
11.29 (Sun) Diary It's been a while to write my diary since last time. Maybe it was a week ago. Yes, it is true that I am now busy so that I have only few of time to write the diary. But, I have to think about what I had in my mind when I started doing this. I wanted to change my life and I wanted to look back on how my everyday was. So, I'm not gonna quit. Let's start again. Today was a bit of good day for me. I.. 2020. 11. 30.