전체 글162 08.30 (Sun) hanged out with my friends (오랜만에 친구들과 놀았다?) I faced difficulty to write today's diary as soon as I started I want to express long period which means long time passed after something happened but I cannot remember this kind of expressions.. T.T Anyway, I met my friend yesterday. It was long after I met them once. We got a place to play in Sinrim, and we played with beer, boardgame, etc.. We enjoyed, but I didn't want to stay all night ther.. 2020. 8. 31. 08.26 (Wed) Daily Diary I should have sent a meesage to Hojin, but I didn't.. Tomorrow I will do it no matter what will happen! so, umm.. I slept at 1 am yesterday and I woke up at 8:40 am today, but until 9am I watched the gossip on internet, and my mom came to check whether I was sleeping or not, then I decided to stand up and get moving. I had lots of houseshores such as dish washing, laundries which made me arrive .. 2020. 8. 26. 08.26(수) 아침일기 새 하루가 또 밝았습니다~ 오늘도 이렇게 잘 살아있으니 기쁘군요! 밤부터 태풍 때문에 비바람이 몰아칠 것 같은데 그 전까지 좋은 날씨 아래서의 여유를 좀 누려둬야겠습니다ㅎㅎ. 오늘도 역시 사무실에 출근을 할 건데 밥을 먹고 사무실 가서 영어공부 간단하게 1시간 정도로만 끝내고 (오늘은 스크립트 시험이 있습니다) 하노이 알고리즘 + 연습문제 풀어보고 알고리즘 재귀 파트를 끝내고 적성검사 도식추리 파트도 다 끝내고 자바의정석 연습문제 4장 끝내러 갑니다~ 그리고 호진쌤 연락드리고 알바몬에서 알바 계속 구인해보구 탈모약 부작용은 .. 웬만하면 5시 이후 알아보겠습니다 (탈모 글 보고 있으면 자연스럽게 우울해지거든요 ..) w3school을 조금 볼 수 있으면 좋을 것 같은데 시간이 될 지 모르겠네요~ 그리고 .. 2020. 8. 26. 08.25 (Tue) Review + Diary Okay.. A street cat named bob.. I would like to say this movie is movie for 'healing' The entire story line is like this. The man named James lived wandering around a street is a poor musician. and his the biggest problem was he addicted drugs like heroin. and he got support from his counselor so he was able to live in his own house. One day, unwanted but cute guest comed to his house. a stray g.. 2020. 8. 25. 08.25(Tue) Morning Diary Umm.. I woke up at 8:40 am today. After I woke up, I turned on my laptop and shared today's headline to my friends with kakao messenger, and studied a little bit of English, and now I'm writing the morning diary. so, this is the list of the things I need to do today. -Go to my office -Send a message to Hojin -Problem solving(algorithm, -Solve Java chapter4 practice examples -Finding a new progra.. 2020. 8. 25. 08.24(월) 아침 일기. 새로운 시작 주말이 가고 또다른 한 주가 다시 시작 되었군요! 얼핏 보면 삶은 반복의 연속같지만 그 안에서도 분명 새로운 것이 있기에 오늘은 어떤 날을 보내게 될까 기대하는 것 같습니다 :D 어제 밤늦게까지 영화보고 카트라이더 하느라 잠을 제대로 못자서 지금 머리가 많이 멍해있어요(사실 약간 어지러움이 있어요) 그치만 침대에는 더 이상 눕지 않을 계획이고 밥을 먹고 사무실에 출근할 예정이랍니다. (잠을 자도 거기서 자야겠죠. 아주 아늑한 침낭이 있거든요 거기엔) 밥 먹기 전에 1분 명상 한 번 때리고~ (타이탄의 툴에서 읽었어요 명상은 성공한 사람들이 많이 했다고) 된장찌게랑 밥먹구 씻고 바로 따릉이 타러 나가서 사무실 출근도장 찍고~ (아 오늘 날씨가 참 좋네요!) 오늘 할 일은.. 우선 뭐 영어공부죠! 영어공부 .. 2020. 8. 24. 08.23 (Sun) Daily Diary Actually I recorded my story when I write my diary but just now before, I watched an awesome movie so I decided to write my review about that movie instead of my story today. The name of that movie was "A street cat named Bob' It's a movie base on the true story. The entire story of this movie is like this There was the man who has no job, no family, but just suffered from addiction of drugs, hi.. 2020. 8. 24. 08.22(Sat) Daily Diary Yeah today was a good day too. I got up at 10am and I ate breakfast and went to my office. I studied English, coding came back home at 5:30pm I spent all most of time aftert that on making youtube video and I ate korean traditional alcohol with my faily and watched the famous Tv-show, mr.trot and played the games for more than 1 hour and I'm about to sleep now. Everything is Goooooooooooood 2020. 8. 23. 08.21(Fri) Daily Diary One of the problems relevant algorythm pissed me off. That is so so hard to understand for me.. I had been thinking about it all day long but I couldn't get answer by myself I had no option to get the answer by reading the answer sheet. but even after I got the solution, I cannot understand it at all.. It's about recursive function which is the fuction who called itself until the specific condit.. 2020. 8. 21. 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 다음